Equal Justice Under God’s Law

Equal Justice Under God’s Law

Category: Books


Building Nations with the Blueprint of God’s Word

God desires nations to be free, just, and blessed. Christ has commissioned us to disciple the nations, to build Godly nations. To accomplish this we need His Spirit and Word. His Word is not full of pious platitudes that only pertain to our personal lives. The Bible certainly teaches us how to have eternal life and encounter the living God, but it also contains principles and precepts for everyday practical living. His Word speaks to all of life. His Word is a blueprint upon which we should build our life and nation. God’s blueprint for twenty-one areas of life is presented in this book.Equal justice for all will only be realized as we follow His pattern in all spheres of life.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series – 4

25 pages, paperback, PP04


Building Nations with the Blueprint of God’s Word

God desires nations to be free, just, and blessed. Christ has commissioned us to disciple the nations, to build Godly nations. To accomplish this we need His Spirit and Word. His Word is not full of pious platitudes that only pertain to our personal lives. The Bible certainly teaches us how to have eternal life and encounter the living God, but it also contains principles and precepts for everyday practical living. His Word speaks to all of life. His Word is a blueprint upon which we should build our life and nation. God’s blueprint for twenty-one areas of life is presented in this book.Equal justice for all will only be realized as we follow His pattern in all spheres of life.

Author: Stephen McDowell

Providential Perspective Series – 4

25 pages, paperback, PP04

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Weight .19 kg
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