Biblical Worldview University Courses
The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.
Featured Courses:
Biblical Worldview University
A worldwide church-based educational network using publications, regional seminars, live classes, online and distance learning, tours, and internship opportunities in Five Main Areas: General Worldview, Providential History, Family & Christian Education, The Marketplace, and The State.
A New Kind of University
Training for leaders of all ages and spheres of life: leaders in church, education, government, business, law, and the media are equipped to apply Biblical principles as they influence others.
A curriculum of real-world topics: the content of the courses and teaching materials are for people to develop a Biblical worldview applicable to present-day problems. Courses are ideal for discipleship curriculum in any church.
Distance learning: courses are available on video, DVD, and print for individuals or groups to use anywhere. [See BWU Catalog for currently available courses.]
On-line learning in multiple languages: classes are available on the web for easy access anywhere in the world. (Our online courses are currently not available as we are updating our delivery method. Thanks for your patience.)
International Study Center: Training courses are taught periodically in Charlottesville, Virginia (USA) and are being established in other parts of the world. These classes are open to everyone.
Special conferences and events: the Providence Foundation hosts a variety of symposiums, conferences, historical reenactments, and other special events at various times and locations.

Our Courses
The Christian Roots of America
ENROLL NOWFoundations of Biblical Economics, Business, and the Marketplace
ENROLL NOWPrinciples for Transforming the Marketplace
ENROLL NOWFree Courses
ENROLL NOWAmerica a Christian Nation
ENROLL NOWWatchmen on the Walls
About Our Courses

Instructors And Facilitators
The Biblical Worldview University seeks to train those who equip others. Diplomas are issued for those completing BWU that make you eligible to become a member of our international network of approved instructors of the Worldview University. These BWU Instructors (usually based in churches in localities around the globe) may teach in their areas using our curriculum.
BWU Facilitators are those who want to lead small groups through various BWU courses. Facilitators do not have to be graduates of BWU. Contact us if you are interested in becoming a facilitator or instructor. Become a Providence Foundation Instructor or Class Facilitator

Course Fees And Requirements
For those taking classes for credit, there is an enrollment fee of $25, which covers the cost of establishing a portfolio. There is no enrollment fee for those auditing courses.
For those taking classes online there is a minimal $5 enrollment fee, whether auditing or taking classes for credit. The courses you pay for online will be permanently available to you through your student account.
The cost for each course varies and is dependent upon the number of sessions, books, audio-visual, and other materials that are included. For those taking courses for credit, course fees include grading assignments and having access to staff to answer questions. Notification of course completion with credit hours will be issued after fulfilling the requirements for each class. Credit hours vary for each course, as the courses vary in length. Students can complete the courses at their own pace. These hours can be applied toward graduation from BWU. For those wanting to graduate, a separate graduation fee of $100 is necessary, but this can be paid when your final thesis topic is submitted for approval.
Courses can be audited for a reduced price, but if audited, course assignments will not be graded, staff will not be available to answer questions, nor certificates issued. Audited classes do not apply toward graduation.

Graduation Requirements
To graduate from the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University a student will need to complete a minimum of 100 hours of courses (where one credit hour equals about one hour of instruction), plus complete a thesis project. The 100 hours of credit can be comprised of any combination of courses but must include the two General Worldview Core Curriculum courses — “Fundamentals for Biblical Transformation” and “Providential World History: The Chain of Liberty.” These two classes should be taken first and are a prerequisite for other courses. They are required for graduation.
Final Thesis: In addition to completing 100 hours of classes, a final thesis paper is required. This paper must be a minimum 15-page original work related to one of the areas of study offered in the university. A thesis proposal form (with accompanying graduation fee) must be submitted and approved before beginning the final thesis project. Graduates are eligible to become instructors for the Providence Foundation. Contact us for details.
Each year the Providence Foundation offers live seminars in Charlottesville and other locations. Those attending and completing the work at these seminars can gain credit hours toward graduation. Please contact us for a list of upcoming seminars and credit hours for completion. Or go to Calendar of Events for upcoming seminars.
Be Empowered by Our Courses
The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.
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