Stewarding the Earth, A Biblical View of Economics


Stewarding the Earth, A Biblical View of Economics

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Category: Books


Stephen McDowell    

God created man and the earth to be productive. He placed man in control of His creation as His vice-regent or steward. We are called to subdue, have dominion over, and replenish – that is, steward – the earth in order to meet our needs and advance His creation commission.

This original commission or cultural mandate was impacted by the fall of man but it was not abrogated. God through Christ restored to man the ability to fulfill the mission originally given to Adam, and also made it possible for man to once again have a personal relationship with God. Christ brought redemption to individuals, but also institutions and all spheres of life (including law, government, education, economics, and business).

God has restored us to stewardship. Fulfilling this role involves cultivating the land and every good thing it produces. It means discovering, rearranging, and using all of the earth’s natural resources for the amelioration of mankind and the advancement of God’s kingdom. It involves cultivating and using the talents and skills He has given us to do business here on the earth. It involves applying biblical economic principles or laws to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It entails using God-given natural resources, ideas, and energy to meet human needs and glorify Him.

The ideas in Stewarding the Earth will equip you to accomplish this divine mission. Chapters include:

Chapter 1 – Our Mission to Steward the Earth

Chapter 2 – Economics as Choice

Chapter 3 – Factors of Economic Production

Chapter 4 – Principles of Biblical Economics

Chapter 5 – The Wheel of Progress in a Christian Economy

Chapter 6 – The Role of Civil Government in the Economy

Chapter 7 – Policies for Economic Flourishing

Chapter 8 – Honest Money and Banking

Chapter 9 – The Biblical View of Work and Calling

Chapter 10 – Cyrus McCormick and Biblical Principles of Business

Chapter 11 – Characteristics of Kingdom Business in the Life of John Wanamaker

Chapter 12 – Elements of Good Personal Finance

Conclusion – God’s Principles Bring Economic Flourishing

Paperback, 236 pages


Stephen McDowell    

God created man and the earth to be productive. He placed man in control of His creation as His vice-regent or steward. We are called to subdue, have dominion over, and replenish – that is, steward – the earth in order to meet our needs and advance His creation commission.

This original commission or cultural mandate was impacted by the fall of man but it was not abrogated. God through Christ restored to man the ability to fulfill the mission originally given to Adam, and also made it possible for man to once again have a personal relationship with God. Christ brought redemption to individuals, but also institutions and all spheres of life (including law, government, education, economics, and business).

God has restored us to stewardship. Fulfilling this role involves cultivating the land and every good thing it produces. It means discovering, rearranging, and using all of the earth’s natural resources for the amelioration of mankind and the advancement of God’s kingdom. It involves cultivating and using the talents and skills He has given us to do business here on the earth. It involves applying biblical economic principles or laws to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It entails using God-given natural resources, ideas, and energy to meet human needs and glorify Him.

The ideas in Stewarding the Earth will equip you to accomplish this divine mission. Chapters include:

Chapter 1 – Our Mission to Steward the Earth

Chapter 2 – Economics as Choice

Chapter 3 – Factors of Economic Production

Chapter 4 – Principles of Biblical Economics

Chapter 5 – The Wheel of Progress in a Christian Economy

Chapter 6 – The Role of Civil Government in the Economy

Chapter 7 – Policies for Economic Flourishing

Chapter 8 – Honest Money and Banking

Chapter 9 – The Biblical View of Work and Calling

Chapter 10 – Cyrus McCormick and Biblical Principles of Business

Chapter 11 – Characteristics of Kingdom Business in the Life of John Wanamaker

Chapter 12 – Elements of Good Personal Finance

Conclusion – God’s Principles Bring Economic Flourishing

Paperback, 236 pages

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