The Biblical Family: Instrument of Godly Transformation

The Biblical Family: Instrument of Godly Transformation

Category: Books


The family is God’s chief instrument of Biblical transformation. It is God’s primary tool for extending His kingdom and government in the earth. Children are arrows or weapons that God gives the family to prepare to shoot into the culture and the future. If the family is faulty, the fulfillment of the mission wanes, and the nation will decline.

To empower the family to fulfill its mission, God entrusted it with the care and management of children and property. The family, not civil government, is to control the property and education within a nation. Whoever controls the property within a society, controls the present; whoever controls education, controls the future. God has given to the family the government of both; hence, it is the most powerful institution that exists. Any actions to undermine the family and its authority will undermine the well-being of a nation.

As the government has assumed more authority over education and property in America and the nations, the family has declined in its ability to fulfill its Biblical mission to bring Godly transformation. The Biblical Family presents a vision for the family’s purpose, the Christian idea of the family, and why parents should reclaim training their children and governing their property.

36 pages, paperback, PP15
Author: Stephen McDowell


The family is God’s chief instrument of Biblical transformation. It is God’s primary tool for extending His kingdom and government in the earth. Children are arrows or weapons that God gives the family to prepare to shoot into the culture and the future. If the family is faulty, the fulfillment of the mission wanes, and the nation will decline.

To empower the family to fulfill its mission, God entrusted it with the care and management of children and property. The family, not civil government, is to control the property and education within a nation. Whoever controls the property within a society, controls the present; whoever controls education, controls the future. God has given to the family the government of both; hence, it is the most powerful institution that exists. Any actions to undermine the family and its authority will undermine the well-being of a nation.

As the government has assumed more authority over education and property in America and the nations, the family has declined in its ability to fulfill its Biblical mission to bring Godly transformation. The Biblical Family presents a vision for the family’s purpose, the Christian idea of the family, and why parents should reclaim training their children and governing their property.

36 pages, paperback, PP15
Author: Stephen McDowell

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