European Regions
(Picture: McDowell with leaders at a prayer breakfast at the Lithuanian Parliament)

European Nations
Lithuania (2003, 2004)
In 2002 our colleague, Pastor Bruce Anderson with Richard Abbott of England, went to Lithuania and there taught various leaders and met with the President of that nation. Then in the spring of 2003 Stephen McDowell, Bruce Anderson, and Alex van Vuuren traveled to Lithuania to conduct seminars, meet with church and government leaders, and teach at various churches. They distributed new Russian editions of our books. Mark Beliles also visited there with Bruce Anderson in 2004.
Belarus (1992, 2003)
Mark Beliles went to Minsk in 1992 and met with many church leaders including the Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church there. He also went to the headquarters of the newly formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) that replaced the former Soviet Union and spoke with its leaders and invited them to visit America. A month later these CIS leaders came to Charlottesville and also to DC and the UN in New York. They spoke at meetings we organized at the University of Virginia.
About 10 years later in 2003 Stephen went there again and taught over 325 people from 42 different churches and numerous political organizations in a two-day seminar on Godly reformation. (Since the president of the country is essentially a communist dictator, there were probably secret police in attendance as well.) Stephen was told there had never been any conference like it in the history of the nation. Many participants in the conference had been reading the Russian version of our book, Liberating the Nations, which had been printed there in January. After hearing our teaching, many others bought the book to study.
Latvia (2003, 2004)
A copy of Liberating the Nations in Russian was given to the leader of New Generation churches, Alexey Ledyaev, who had written his own booklet in 2002 on Christian reformation of nations. Alexey invited us to teach at New Generation’s annual conference in Latvia in 2003. Mark Beliles and Bruce Anderson traveled to Riga, the capital, the end of November to teach the multi-national conference attendees. During the three day conference Mark and Bruce not only spoke to the 4000 leaders from throughout the Russian-speaking world, but also had a three-hour question and answer time with 200 pastors and political activists. In addition they met with leaders of the First Party of Latvia, a new Christian-dominated party which has emerged in the last few years and now is the governing party, including the Secretary of Family Affairs, who is a Baptist pastor, the Secretary of Economics, a Pentecostal, and another government department leader who is a Catholic priest. Latvia is certainly one of the best examples of Christians in government in Europe today. The message of the Providence Foundation was eagerly received by everyone.
In early 2004 Ledyaev came to Charlottesville and spoke in our seminar. Then Mark went to teach in Latvia again that year and met with the Vice-Prime-Minister, the Speaker of the Parliament and many other Ministers in the Government for a few hours of consultation. Many of these leaders told Mark that the reason they united and got involved in the government is because of the inspiration derived from our books.
Russia (1992, 1995, 2008)
Mark Beliles visited St. Petersburg and Moscow in 1992 just shortly after the end of the Soviet Union. He traveled with a group of U.S. leaders that included Ben Armstrong of the National Religious Broadcasters and Dr. Jack Wilke of National Right to Life. Mark had opportunity to meet many religious and political leaders in St. Petersburg and spoke at the Open Christianity conference there. Father Benjamin Novick of St. Petersburg’s Russian Orthodox Theological Academy began to serve as one of our representatives there from this time and visited America later a few times.
Then Mark traveled on to Moscow and there gave an address at the Russian National Academy of Science and had an official meeting with a committee of the Russian Parliament. The Academy of Science also published our materials on Biblical roots of democracy in their national paper that went out to 250,000 scholars. Mark also met with and prayed for an official advisor to President Boris Yeltsin. A few months later, Father Benjamin Novick and two other Russian Orthodox philosophers came to Charlottesville and studied for two weeks in our summer Institute and also spoke and contributed papers.
In 1993, our materials were given directly to President Yeltsin by one of our advisors named Bob Weiner. These materials were studied by some of those working on drafting a new Russian Constitution but unfortunately not incorporated fully into that document.)
In 1994 Protestant pastors Pavel and Marina Saveliev of Moscow came to visit Charlottesville. They agreed to get our book on Liberating the Nations translated into Russian. Then in April of 1995 over 1000 Christian leaders from across Russia and the Ukraine gathered in Yaroslavl where Mark Beliles spoke seven times at a conference entitled “Russia 95″ on principles for building a Christian nation, during which he presented the biblical view of government. The pastors, businessmen, and leaders at “Russia 95″ were taught the importance of Christians being involved in every area of a nation’s cultural life, as well as basic biblical principles for discipling their nation. As a means of further training, each delegate at the conference received a copy of the Providence Foundation’s new Russian translation of Liberating the Nations. Immediately after, and in conjunction with, “Russia 95,” the Providence Foundation conducted an additional conference on Christian Leadership in Government. About 300 people remained to be instructed by Beliles and Marianne Schwarz of Germany. Schwarz, the Providence Foundation’s German Director, provided valuable training on practical steps for involvement in politics from a European perspective. This complimented well Beliles’ teaching on principles for building Christian nations. Also joining them was Alex VanVurren of Netherlands, who would eventually take over much of the European leadership of the Providence Foundation.
A few years later an email from a pastor in Russia spoke of the impact of our book: “My name is Viatcheslav S. and I represent the Russian Far Eastern Union of the Evangelical Churches. We have churches all over the Far Eastern region of the country. A few years ago – I think it was in 1994 – somebody gave me the book called Liberating the Nations. I read it in a day, I was so impressed by the book. It changed my mind and my relation to the things around my common Christian understanding. So first of all I want to thank you for the book and the Lord for the opportunity to get and be changed by this. There are so many Christians (especially in our country and in our region) that do not realize all the things you mentioned in the book. They still think that Christianity is a kind of sub-society, that the government is their enemy, etc. The thousands of people in our churches need much education. Though it will take years to plant the Christian philosophy in the mind of the society, we need to start moving forward. I pray that you continue to develop your work and touch as many people and nations as the Lord planned for you. May our God bless you in everything you do for His Kingdom.”
In 1999 our representative in St. Petersburg, Father Benjamin Novick, published a book entitled Orthodoxy, Christianity, Democracy. He opposed the new anti-protestant laws in Russia and was fired from this teaching position in the Orthodox seminary, but continues to serve as a priest.
In 2008 Mark taught in three cities of far-east Russia to thousands of leaders.
(Picture: Beliles with Russian representative in St. Petersburg)

Poland (2006, 2007, 2008)
In 2006 Mark taught on two different trips to Warsaw and in 2007 Mark taught in Gdansk on two different trips. Liberating the Nations was published in hardback Polish version there. In 2008 he went back to both Warsaw and Gdansk.
Bulgaria (2007)
In 2007 Mark taught on two different trips. First in Sofia and then in 7 other cities.
Ukraine (2004, 2005, 2007)
Mark Beliles met Pastor Sunday Adelaja of the Embassy of God Church in early 2004 while he was in America. Adelaja had already been reading our books that were given him by Alex VanVurren of the Netherlands and recommended to him by Ledayev of Latvia. Pastor Sunday invited Mark to come teach in his church in Kiev which is now the largest in all of Europe (about 25,000). Mark traveled there in June to do so and also spoke in six other cities to various New Generation churches. Sunday also printed our books and distributed them. Mark met with many political leaders in Parliament and taught over 25,000 people the principles of Godly transformation of government including the importance of protesting injustice. This was important because when the presidential election later that year took place, international observers declared that it was fraudulent due to widespread cheating for the pro-Moscow candidate. Pastors then led the way to organize protests in Kiev that were attended by hundreds of thousands of people. After a month, the Supreme Court finally called for new elections and a truly democratic and Christian man easily won. Yuschenko then appointed Timoshenko as the new Prime Minister. Both had read copies of our book and in fact the Prime Minister displayed it prominently in her office. We were asked to contribute and give input via email to the new government as well. The Russian government, which was shocked to lose its influence over Ukraine, has since clearly identified the Christians in Ukraine as the reason that this “Orange Revolution” took place.
In 2005 Mark and Bruce Anderson went there together and taught in some churches in Kiev and also had meetings with Sunday and Ledayev and others to discuss strategy for the future. Steve Weber who is based there as director of the Christian Broadcasting Network for the Russian-speaking world, told us at that time that the our books were the most significant thing being reported and discussed everywhere in that part of the world because it was meeting a critical need that they had.
In 2007 both Mark and Stephen went to Kiev together to teach a seminar and in churches.
Czech Republic (1991, 1992)
Mark Beliles visited some church leaders in Prague in 1991 and then returned for a seminar there in 1992. Providence Foundation leaders from Germany and Netherlands (Alex VanVurren) joined Mark and helped in teaching in the Prague seminar.
Mark also preached in both Charismatic and Brethren churches there. A few years later some of our books were translated and printed there.
Hungary (1991)
Mark Beliles taught a few hundred church leaders in Budapest in 1991 and consulted with members of Parliament and other political leaders.
Netherlands (1990, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008)
Mark Beliles first visited a church in Delft in 1988 and returned to speak in 1990, 1991 and 1995. He has since returned many times there to teach. Its pastors and leaders are among the strongest of partners in western Europe today. Pastor David Koertz of Delft and Alex Van Vurren of Amsterdam are the main leaders. Alex began issuing a newsletter called Banner of Truth.
In 1999 Stephen taught in Delft and then the Providence Foundation held its first conference to gather leaders from various western European nations where Mark had been visiting for a decade. Twenty-five Christian leaders from five European countries met to learn from one another and discuss how they could work together in bringing godly reform. Alex van Vuuren, the Providence Foundation director for Europe, organized the meeting with the goal of building up a network of Christian reformers in Europe. Stephen McDowell and Mark Beliles, taught at the meeting and helped to facilitate discussion. Joining them from the States was Bruce Anderson, a pastor and co-author of Watchmen on the Walls. Various European leaders taught at the meeting. Dr. Bert Dorenbos of Holland spoke on the prophetic voice of the church and ethical issues. An attorney from England, Richard Abbott, presented the history of Britain as a case study, and Professor Thomas Schirrmacher of Germany spoke on Trinity and Work. Participants included numerous pastors, businessmen, and Christian leaders from The Netherlands, Britain, Germany, Austria, and Italy.
Mark taught again in Delft in 2001 and 2002. He also visited leaders in Amsterdam in 2001 and at the Parliament in Den Hague in 2002. There he heard the new Christian president give a speech. Stephen in 2007 taught a seminar in Amsterdam mainly for Africans and met with leaders in Delft in 2008.
England (2001, 2007)
Richard Abott from England had been a partner for years before joining us as a teacher in the Netherlands conference in 1999. He continued to write and lecture in Britain for the Jubilee Centre and other organizations, but also joined us in places such as Lithuania.
McDowell and Beliles traveled to England in 2001, where they met with numerous Christian leaders to discuss Godly reformation in the nation. McDowell spoke at churches in London, consulted with leaders of a Christian school in Oxford, and conducted a Christian history tour of Runnymede, the site where the Magna Charta was signed in 1215.
In 2007 Mark and Stephen both spent time with leaders in Britain and Stephen also spoke in some churches near London.
(Picture: Stephen McDowell giving a tour at the Magna Charta memorial in England)

France (1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2005)
Mark Beliles first traveled to Paris in December 1988 and taught a three-day seminar on Principles for the Reformation of France. Over forty participants from France, Norway, Holland, South Africa, Ireland, Ghana, Yugoslavia, the Philippines, and Sweden attended. An earlier edition of Liberating the Nations (Principles for the Reformation of the Nations) was translated into French for use at the seminar. A team of people was also organized to help bring Godly reformation to France.
Mark returned for meetings and teaching in 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997, 2001 and around 2005. In 1999 Stephen McDowell taught in Paris also.
Germany (1988, 1991, 1992, 2001)
Mark Beliles conducted meetings in Germany in 1988. Mark met with a representative in Frankfurt, but mainly taught in Munich. About 100 people attended a three-day seminar in Munich on Principles for the Reformation of Germany. In addition to those from Germany, people from Spain, Greece, and Italy participated. Marianne Schwartz became Providence Foundation director in Germany. She and a team of people translated In Search of Democracy into the German language, as well as organized classes to provide ongoing training.
Marianne visited Charlottesville in 1989 and was a speaker in our conference there. She has participated in a number of Foundation events in the U.S. and Europe since that time. Marianne met with Germany’s President Helmut Kohl and gave him some of our materials.
Mark returned to Munich in 1991 and 1992 for further meetings, and then lectured at Martin Bucer Seminary in Bonn in 2001.
Belgium (2007, 2008)
In 2007 Mark taught a seminar in Brussels mainly for Africans. Stephen taught over 100 African French-speaking pastors in a two-day seminar in 2008 in Brussels.
Switzerland (2008)
In April Stephen spoke at a pastor’s conference in Switzerland, with over 300 pastors, educators, and Christian leaders in attendance from about a dozen countries. The theme was “In Times like These” and Stephen presented the need for Christians to transform the nations through fulfilling the cultural mandate. As a result of this event educators in Germany, France, and Romania will be translating some of our materials into their languages and possibly publishing books in their countries. A German translation of “Fulfilling the Cultural Mandate” PowerPoint presentation has been completed.
Norway (2007)
In 2007 Stephen taught in churches of mainly Africans in Oslo, Norway.
Ireland (2001)
Mark went to Dublin in 2001 and met with various leaders.
Spain (1997)
In 1997 Mark taught in Madrid to pastors representing about 200 Reformed and Baptist churches from throughout the nation.
Others Working in Europe:
After attending a Leadership Institute International school in Washington, DC, and hearing Stephen speak, folks in Italy translated our book Liberating the Nations into Italian for use in training folks in that country.