The Drums of War Series – Vol. 1 Independence

The Drums of War Series – Vol. 1 Independence

Category: Books


This story is set in Williamsburg in 1775 when the Royal Governor of Virginia sent British troops to steal gunpowder from the town’s magazine. The drama builds to a climax as Patrick Henry leads Patriot militiamen toward a showdown with the British governor.
175 pages, paperback, B08


This story is set in Williamsburg in 1775 when the Royal Governor of Virginia sent British troops to steal gunpowder from the town’s magazine. The drama builds to a climax as Patrick Henry leads Patriot militiamen toward a showdown with the British governor.
175 pages, paperback, B08

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Weight .50 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 8.5 × .5 cm
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