Watchmen on the Walls

[Our online courses are currently unavailable as we update the delivery method.]

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night” (Isa.62:6). God appoints His people to be watchmen on the walls — to guard the city and sound the alarm when the ungodly seek to take over. For the first few centuries of American history, Christian leaders acted as watchmen. In fact, Christians gave birth to America — they colonized the states, they wrote the laws and constitutions, they started the schools and colleges, and they served in leadership in every area of life.

However, in the last century or so the watchmen have fallen asleep and the enemy has swarmed into the city. The result has been a gradual decay of society and an increasing assault against God and His truth. To restore the nation, the watchmen must wake up, sound the alarm, and fulfill their duties, especially their civil duties.

Goals of this course include: 1. To awaken God’s watchmen to sound the alarm and fulfill all their duties. 2. To show Christians they have God-given duties that extend to the civil realm, what those duties are, and how to fulfill them. 3. To teach biblical principles of public life, since a knowledgeable citizenry is essential for liberty. 4. To communicate to pastors and ministry leaders their responsibility to equip Christians in their civil duties. 5. To give pastors and ministry leaders ideas on how to prepare their church members to be salt in the public arena.

Sessions include: 1) Prayer: The Watchmen’s Duty and Foundation of American Liberty 2) The Biblical Basis for Christians’ Civil Duties 3) How Christians Can Fulfill Their Civil Duties 4) Pastors and the Founding of America 5) Changes in Our Nation that Should Motivate Us to Run to Win 6)Ministers: Leaders of a Second American Revolution 7) How Pastors Can Make Civic Involvement Part of Their Church’s Basic Discipleship.

Instructors: Stephen McDowell, David Barton, and Mark Beliles

Format: All sessions are video based with Powerpoint slides and review questions.

Transforming the Culture with the Blueprint of God’s Word

[Our online courses are currently unavailable as we update the delivery method.]

God’s Word provides a blueprint for how to transform America and the nations. The Bible addresses all of life, from personal and family matters to economic and civil affairs. A Biblical overview of 21 areas of life is presented. Talks contain many historical examples of how Christianity has brought transformation to all spheres of life.

Sessions include:
1. Building Nations with the Blueprint of God’s Word
2. Nation Building for a New World
3. Seven Ideas that Have Transformed the World
4. The Economy from a Biblical Perspective

Instructor: Stephen McDowell

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