A new book for legislators and citizens by Stephen McDowell.
Read the Forward and Introduction
We have an exciting project to let you know about that has already impacted thousands of state legislators, and could potentially impact thousands more, as well as inform voters everywhere of what is needed to protect America’s future and well-being.
In January 2016, working with West Virginia State Representative Mike Azinger, we published a new book by Stephen McDowell, The Bible: America’s Source of Law and Liberty. Representative Azinger distributed a copy to every member of the House and Senate in his state in January 2016. This was so well received that we launched our Legislators’ Project with the goal of giving copies to all 7383 state legislators in the 50 states. Within a few months we had distributed so many copies we had to reprint the book.
The book, The Bible: America’s Source of Law and Liberty, is a result of Delegate Azinger reading some of Stephen McDowell’s past books, recognizing the nation-changing principles therein, and wanting to get these fundamental ideas to all his fellow members of the West Virginia legislature. He explains this in the Foreword to the book. Click here to read his Foreword as well as Stephen’s Introduction, both of which explain the purpose and content of the book. See The Bible: America’s Source of Law and Liberty for more information about the book.
To help us get this book to government leaders, we have enlisted the aid of a couple of dozen legislators and Christian leaders who work in the governmental arena. Many of them wrote endorsements for the book, some of which you can read at the end of the Introduction: click here.
Thanks to the generosity of our members and other donors, we have been able to give free copies of this book to legislators in one or both houses in twenty-two states (as of Spring 2022) – West Virginia, Arizona, Missouri, Minnesota, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, Wyoming, California, Michigan, Nebraska, Oregon, Arkansas, Florida, New Mexico, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Alaska, North Carolina, and Ohio. In each of these states we enlisted a legislator or government official to write a cover letter explaining why their colleagues needed to read this book. In his cover letter accompanying the book, Tennessee Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey encouraged the senators to read this book saying, “If this state and this nation is to survive into the next generation and beyond, we must all cherish and pass along this great history and heritage.”
We have received many encouraging responses from those who have received and read the book, including from those who have a differing governmental philosophy. One leftist liberal who read the book said he found it very interesting and had never heard such ideas before. We believe getting a copy of this book to each legislator will bear much fruit; thus, we continue to work toward this end. We need your help to accomplish this. We need contacts with legislators who might sponsor the distribution to their colleagues, as well as funds so we can provide these to legislators for no cost.
We have endorsements from 15 legislators from a dozen different states, and from Christian leaders such as David Barton, Tim Wildmon, and Rick Green. Two of those endorsements follow. See the book for more.
“If you are a leader, this is absolutely essential knowledge. On our shoulders rests the future of the greatness of our nation. Read this! Finish it. Read it again. Retain it. Teach it until it is retained!” – Kevin Jones, Kansas State Representative, 5th District, Former US Army Green Beret
“This book looks to be the answer I’ve wanted when I am challenged by a liberal saying our country did not have Christian roots – our Founders were a bunch of opportunists and theists. I appreciate all the research and footnoting that supports this information. This is definitely both a book that inspires and one that needs to be on every conservative’s shelf for quick reference.” – Dennis Guth, State Senator, Iowa, District 4
To reach legislators and citizens throughout America, we need your help. Here are a few ways:
1. Sponsor the printing and distribution of The Bible: America’s Source of Law and Liberty. The total number of legislators in the states varies from 49 (Nebraska) to 424 (New Hampshire), with an average size of about 150. The state accumulative total is 7383. It would cost approximately $200 to $1700 (which will vary depending upon means of distribution) to provide copies for each state. You can sponsor a small state for $250, an average sized state for $600, and a large state for about $1000. A donation of any amount will help get these into the hands of elected officials. Click here to donate.
2. Help to distribute this book to your state legislators (and also local and national officials). We have begun to work with some legislators we know in a number of states toward this end, but we need help. If you know any legislators who might help get these into the hands of their colleagues, or if you would want to be involved in distributing these yourself (or know others who might do this), please let us know. We can discuss how we might work together. Email us at
or call 434-978-4535.
3. Purchase copies of this book and distribute to friends and acquaintances to help equip them to become better informed citizens and voters. You can order individual copies: Click here to order. Or you can order multiple copies at a discount: order 10-24 at a 33% discount ($10); order 25 or more for 50% discount ($7.50 each). Please email or call us to order.
Your regular support of the Providence Foundation is another way to help get these important books to government officials throughout America. Please consider becoming a member.
America is at a crossroads. We need Godly leaders and citizens to put us on the right path in order to preserve our great freedom and unique constitutional government. The Bible: America’s Source of Law and Liberty is one important tool toward this end.
Thank you for supporting not only this project, but all the work we do at the Providence Foundation. By God’s grace it has made and will continue to make a difference. We look forward to working together in the future. In particular, we would love to hear of any ideas you have on how to get our new book into the hands of many leaders and citizens.
The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.
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