Providence Foundation 2012 Report

BY admin January 11, 2013

Providence Foundation 2012 Report

Because of support from folks like you in 2012, we have been able to help bring Godly transformation to America and other nations. We wanted to share with you some of the work of the Providence Foundation in the past year:

1.      Providence Foundation speakers taught at many events throughout the USA and in numerous nations. Stephen McDowell taught seminars in a dozen states, including an appearance on the Glenn Beck television program. During 10 days of teaching in three cities in Brazil, Stephen spent time with Christian leaders praying in the Supreme Court Chamber in Brasilia. Mark Beliles taught in 10 nations in eastern Asia and Europe, as well as in some American states.


 2.      Monumental. Ideas from our books helped shape the content of Kirk Cameron’s Monumental movie, released in the spring; plus, Stephen McDowell was one of those interviewed for the film. Kirk recently wrote this about our book America’s Providential History as he promoted it to his friends:

“This is the best workbook I’ve read that shows God’s miraculous hand in American history. If you want your children and grandchildren to understand why America became the freest, most powerful and blessed nation in all of history, then you need to read this awesome book. I highly recommend it. My family and I have been captivated by America’s Providential History and I want you and your family to be blessed by its pages as well.”

3.      Founders Bible. McDowell contributed two articles to this excellent resource, with most commentary written by David Barton. Discover the Scriptures that the Founders used as the basis for our original founding documents, see what chapters inspired them in the fight for independence, understand the sacrifices they made because of their Biblically-based beliefs and learn about America as a Christian nation.

Over 2200 pages, this Bible (NAS version) is chock-full of full-color insert pages on major themes found throughout our founding, highlights little known and relevant insights from the Founders on their commitment to the importance of the Bible, and includes subject index, concordance and Bible maps. (You can order a copy from our online store.)

4.      Watchmen on the Walls Course. Scores of pastors, Christian leaders, and concerned citizens have signed up for our online course that teaches the Biblical civil duties of Christians, the role pastors played in the birth of American independence, and the steps we can take today to be God’s watchmen. Providence Foundation members have free access to this course, so let us know if you want to enroll. Stephen was able to promote the course to 6000 leaders gathered by James Robison and others in July at the One Nation under God event.

5.      Writings and Materials. Our regular articles and Providential Perspectives received widespread distribution, especially McDowell’s article “Obama, Romney, Other: Who Should Christians Vote for in the 2012 Election?”  American Family Radio, and numerous other organizations, distributed this to their email lists with the result of tens of thousands of people reading the article. Stephen also did a number of radio interviews on the subject. The most recent Perspective booklet was on Abraham Lincoln’s Faith. Stephen gave a talk to the National Religious Broadcasters President’s Council on this topic in September. This was published just in time for the release of the movie Lincoln, which largely ignores his faith.

6.      Christian History Tours. John McDowell has taken on the task of conducting most of the tours we do of Washington, DC, and other sites for various groups and families. He also assists Stephen in the two large tours we do each year with Tim Wildmon and American Family Radio (The picture to the right shows one of these tour groups at the Lincoln Memorial). If you would like to join one of these tours to Washington, DC, or to Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown, visit our website to sign up or learn more.

7.      Pro-Family Legislators Conference. In November Stephen taught on Crime and Punishment, A Biblical Perspective to around 140 people in Dallas, including 70 state legislators from about 20 different states, at an annual conference put on by WallBuilders, with the goal of inspiring and equipping state elected officials. At this event Stephen met an old friend and former professional football player, Scott Turner, whom he had given counsel to over the years on running for political office as a Christian. Scott was just elected as a state legislator in Texas. He had been pursuing this call of God to serve in civil government for about ten years, and his perseverance came to fruition. Scott often quoted from our books in his campaign speeches.

8.      Website and Facebook. Since the launch of our new website just over one year ago, we have added many articles, videos, newsletters, historic writings, and other items to provide truth needed to transform nations. We have a number of Biblical Worldview University courses online, plus some free lessons for anyone to view. What is currently available would provide training for years, but we still have many older newsletters to upload, numerous BWU courses to prepare for online access, and large numbers of historic writings and documents to scan. Thus, we have just begun to supply nation-changing ideas. Our Facebook page (Providence Foundation) is another new avenue to spread truth and liberty. Please “like” us today and let others know about this informative tool.

9.      Training those who teach others. New people continue to take our BWU courses. While currently small, we hope to see the number of enrollees expand exponentially in the coming years. One goal for our BWU classes is to equip those who desire to educate others in principles of liberty. This Biblical model of teaching folks who then teach others is essential to implement if we ever hope to educate enough citizens to turn the nation around. This of course must include Biblical education like that given through BWU. One student, who plans to teach others after graduation, recently wrote:

“When I went to college, it was all about memorizing information.  There was very little focus on thinking for myself.  However, now that I attend the Biblical Worldview University at Providence Foundation, things are changing.  I am now learning to identify the principles found in the Bible so that I can apply them to every area of my life including my usefulness in my future and third career.”

We currently have scores of representatives who are teaching others in their localities through classes and various training programs. Some have done this for many years, sending out thousands of knowledgeable citizens as agents of liberty. If you want to join our training team, please let us know.

This past year was fruitful. We need your continued help and support to finish some important long-term projects: preparing Biblical Worldview University courses for online access; adding free articles, videos, and historic documents to our website; and promoting our site to a wider audience.

An exciting new project that John will be developing is a regular podcast in which we will evaluate current events from a Biblical perspective and present lessons from history to help in bringing transformation today. We also have some new writing opportunities for major publishers on the topic of Christianity and culture. We will let you know more about these later.

We will continue our regular travel, teaching, writing, and publications – all to help in fighting the culture war that is raging in America and the nations. We can win this war if we all do our part.

Thank you so much for your support! Please consider renewing or becoming a Member or a Premium Member, or giving a generous donation today.

God bless!


Be Empowered by Our Courses

The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.


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