Please help me make the Ten Commandments popular in America again. These fundamental moral laws of God were ubiquitous in America for three centuries. They could be found in churches, schools, courtrooms, and the halls of government. The reason for this is that they were first found in the hearts of most Americans. But unfortunately, they are being removed from all of these places.
Without a restoration of God’s truth to serve as a blueprint for life, personal and civil, we will not see the nation transformed. I am not speaking of the commands as a means for our salvation because this is based solely upon God’s grace and our faith in Christ’s redemptive work. I am speaking of the commandments as necessary, in the words of Martin Luther, for “what we are to do to make our whole life pleasing to God” as well as, according to John Quincy Adams, for “a civil and municipal law essential to the existence of men in society.”
The good news is there is a great interest in these liberating principles for all of life. At the end of last year we published a new Bible study I wrote on the Ten Commandments entitled God’s Blueprint for Life, Liberty, and Property. (You can order a copy at our online store.)
Since the Bible study has been released, there has been great interest in it. American Family Association (with their American Family Radio networks), who helped sponsor the book, has distributed a couple of thousand of them; plus I have just started a series of radio interviews with Tim Wildmon covering the Commandments. We will be doing one every few weeks until all ten are covered.
I have also been discussing the Commandments with David Barton and Rick Green on their radio program WallBuilders Live. The first 5 or 6 are posted on our website where you can listen to them. We are covering one each month. Many folks are going through the study in their homes, churches, and small groups.
I have also given a number of presentations on the Ten Commandments in the past year and will speak this fall on the topic at a conference in Florida and at a seminar/webinar hosted by the Foundation for American Christian Education.
You can help by first going through the study yourself, then encouraging others to do the same. God’s Blueprint for Life, Liberty, and Property is a great resource for ongoing use by churches and schools. To help expand your knowledge of the public application of the Commandments, you can also order a booklet I wrote many years ago on The Ten Commandments and Modern Society. This booklet will expand your understanding of how the Decalogue applies to all of life.
You can also help by making a donation to assist in our promoting and printing the book. Our initial printing is almost depleted and we need to print more. If we can print a larger quantity we can decrease the unit cost, hence making them more easily available. In order to spread these ideas to the largest number of people we have already been making these studies available at a reduced rate.
Your donation will also enable us to promote these books to a wide audience. While many of our friends have told others of this important tool, we hope to spread an awareness of this to millions. We do not have a large promotional budget. Your gifts will help us accomplish this goal.
For those donating $100, we will send you 5 copies of the Bible study, if you so desire. For those donating $500 we will send 30 copies, enough for a class at your church or school. (Under reason for gift select that you want to receive copies for your donation.)
By the way, the importance of the church knowing and obeying the Commandments is spreading to many nations. I just returned from Bogota, Colombia, where my teachings included the Ten Commandments as foundational for transforming the nation. My friends in Pakistan are printing one-half million copies of The Ten Commandments and Modern Society in their languages to distribute throughout the country. This booklet is also translated into Spanish, Russian, and Urdu.
Teaching and spreading these ideas are just one of many things we are doing to bring Godly transformation to America and the nations. Thank you so much for joining with us as we seek to train and mobilize Christians in Biblical principles of liberty. Even though we face great challenges, I have hope for the future if God’s people fulfill their Biblical duties. As Jesus said, to disciple the nations we must teach people to observe all the truth of the Bible. This is why teaching the Commandments is so important. We are grateful to be able to be a part of this liberating work.
Please let us know if we can ever be of service to you as you seek to fulfill your duties to God, family, and the nation. Thank you again for your support and encouragement.
The courses offered by the Providence Foundation Biblical Worldview University (BWU) are designed to equip leaders of education, business, and politics to transform their culture for Christ, and to train all citizens how to disciple nations.
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