By Alex and Janneke van Vuuren
The pro-family conference in Moscow, September 10-12, 2014, was a very impressive event. More than thousand people attended from 45 different nations. There were many speakers in plenary sessions and in round tables. It was an amazing experience to be in Russia, to see proof of some high-level resistance to the global attack on the family and to speak freely about Christian homeschooling. [Click here for the text of the speech that my wife Janneke and I gave at the round table on education.]
Around the globe, the traditional family of one father and one mother with children is under attack. Participants from many nations testified to that fact. There are many sources of this attack, but UN agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) with UN-status were often mentioned. Much of the destruction of the family in the West can be attributed to the sexual revolution of the sixties of the last century, which had its foundation in cultural Marxism (Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, Frankfurter Schule with Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm).
In Russia, the attack on the traditional family began much earlier with the bolshevist Marxist revolution in 1917. Abortion was legalized in Russia in 1920. Compare this to the legalization of abortion in the US and Europe half a century later (after the sexual revolution).
With 42 million abortions worldwide humans are literally aborting their future. It is not without reason that the organizers of this conference chose as conference theme “Large families and the future of humanity”.
One of the goals of the anti-life and anti-family agenda at the United Nations is to sexualize young children. There is an ongoing sexual revolution which is reaching out to children on a younger and younger age. Powerful NGO’s are developing a tool called Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) which is targeting children from the day they are born. This so-called education is promoting sex as pleasure without any traditional, cultural, moral or religious constraints. Organizations like UNESCO, the World Health Organization and UNICEF have already been influenced by this radical view of sexuality.
At the core of this new philosophy of sexuality is the word ‘gender’. The goal is ‘gender neutrality’ which means making male and female equal and without distinction. The bottomline of this is that children will be taught not only that it is normal when a boy loves a boy or a girl loves a girl, but also when a boy calls into question his sexual identity and wants to be a girl or vice versa. Shockingly enough, just weeks after this conference we were confronted with a situation of friends who experienced this gender confusion. Our friends received a letter from the school of their son that an eleven year old girl in his class was going to change her sexuality. This girl had been receiving hormone injections since age eight to make her more masculine and at age eleven it was decided she would declare herself a boy. The parents of her classroom mates were all informed on a two days notice that she would give a presentation about this change in class. The letter included the instruction that the girl from then on should be addressed with a new name and solely as a boy (he/him/his). This happened the first days of October at a school which is Christian in name.
This may seem extreme, but in The Netherlands it is a growing phenomenon with support from the medical community. And as stated above, the idea of gender neutrality or equality is already being pushed on an international level by powerful players. If we want to protect the sexual and emotional health of our children and grandchildren we must be on guard as never before. The attack may well begin at kindergarten and will certainly begin at school unless it is a very exceptional school. It is not enough that a school is Christian in name. Homeschooling is certainly an option that should be taken into consideration.
For further documentation on the anti-family agenda at the United Nations, you can go to the website of Family Watch International (FWI)
FWI produced this special report on Comprehensive Sexuality Education:
Alex and Janneke van Vuuren
Hilversum, The Netherlands
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