Monumental, Restoring America as the Land of Liberty

BY admin September 17, 2013

Monumental, Restoring America as the Land of Liberty

An important message on restoring the nation from Stephen McDowell

America under Assault

America has undergone a radical shift in recent times, from an exceptional nation – the most free, prosperous, and virtuous in history – to a nation in decline.

There are numerous signs of decay in the American culture: the breakdown of the family, with 40% of children (70% of African-Americans) born outside of marriage; the abandonment of sexual morals, with two-thirds of people embracing premarital sex; the decline of education; the killing of over 50 million unborn children since abortion was legalized; the rise of big government, with ever-increasing debt (over $16 trillion), regulations, paper work,  and control; the growing hostility to Christianity in schools, colleges, the military, business, and government.

The decline has been led by secular, liberal, leftists who, while proclaiming they are the epitome of tolerance, are the most intolerant folks around. They stifle speech, worship, and thought. They especially seek to suppress the Christian faith. Consider a few examples:

After Aaron and Melissa Klein refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple, they encountered the wrath of the “tolerant” left, and a hostile government who launched a formal discrimination investigation against the Christian family. The homosexuals launched protests and boycotts against the business, plus also threatened to boycott any florists, wedding planners or other vendors that did business with Sweet Cakes. Klein said he received messages threatening to kill his family, and hoping his children would die.

The Kleins have nothing against homosexuals, but because of their religious faith, the family simply cannot take part in gay wedding events.  “The LGBT attacks are the reason we are shutting down the shop. They have killed our business through mob tactics.” “It’s a sad day for Christian business owners and it’s a sad day for the First Amendment,” owner Aaron Klein said. Klein said it is becoming clear that Christians do not have the “right to believe what we believe.” In other words, according to homosexuals, gay rights trump religious rights.


In August Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a statute (which passed the senate 21 to 9) requiring any school receiving public funding to allow transgender students access to facilities and activities consistent with their gender identity. This allows, for example, a biological male who identifies himself as female to use female restrooms and play on female sports teams. Some Californians are fighting against this absurd law.


Just last month, New Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled that these two Christian photographers violated the state’s Human Rights Act and upheld the fine. One justice said the photographers were “compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives.”


On August 9, Master Sgt. Monk was dismissed by his commander, a lesbian, for his refusal to reveal his personal views regarding homosexual marriage. Earlier she had attacked an instructor who made objectionable comments about homosexual marriage, and so when she asked Monk if he thought it was discriminatory for anyone to oppose such marriages, he declined to answer. She got angrier and angrier with him when he would not answer, as he understood Air Force policy demands silence from homosexual detractors. In the end, he got fired for something his commander thinks he believes, not for anything he said.

In an update to this story, Monk is now being criminally investigated for talking to the media about this event.


  • In Indianapolis, a family-owned cookie shop faced a discrimination investigation after they refused to make rainbow cookies for National Coming Out Day.
  • A T-shirt company in Lexington, Ky. found itself at the center of a Human Rights Commission investigation after they refused to make T-shirts for a local gay rights organization.
  • Denver baker Jack Phillips is facing possible jail time for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding.

Now that homosexual marriages and unions are progressing, some people are already working to legitimize polyamory relationships. They say they do not want to have to choose between monotony and jealousy, so why not have four lovers join together in union. They see this as “the next frontier.” Their plan is normalization today, group marriage tomorrow.




Restoring America as the Land of Liberty


We have never had such an assault against truth and the Godly foundations upon which America was founded. We face a very serious threat to liberty.

The good news is that we can do something to solve these problems and restore America. We can follow the blueprint that the Founders of the nation gave us to build a free nation. We do not need all Americans to follow the blueprint to turn the nation around, just those who claim to be born-again Christians.

How can we learn this? One way is through the training course by Kirk Cameron and me: Monumental, Restoring America as the Land of Liberty.

This 12-lesson course provides the blueprint for restoring America as the land of liberty. This package contains the film by Kirk Cameron Monumental (in which I had a small part), a book I authored on Restoring America as the Land of Liberty, and discussions on DVD by Kirk Cameron and me on the twelve chapters in the book. The book and discussions include these topics:


Section One: The Founders’ Blueprint for Liberty

Chapter 1 … The Forefathers Monument: A Matrix of Liberty

Chapter 2 … Faith

Chapter 3 … Morality

Chapter 4 … Law

Chapter 5 … Education

Chapter 6 … Liberty

Section Two: The Story of Liberty

Chapter 7 … The Chain of Liberty: Preparation of the Seed of the American Republic

Chapter 8 … The Pilgrims: Planting the Seed of the American Republic

Chapter 9 … The Christian Colonization of America: Cultivating the Seed of Liberty

Chapter 10 … Advance of Liberty in Early America: Fruit of the Seed of the American Republic

Chapter 11 … Decline of the American Republic in the 20th Century: Growth of a Different Seed

Chapter 12 … Being Watchmen on the Walls: Replanting the Seed of the American Republic


The book contains the best ideas I have taught and written about in the past 30 years, with many providential stories, historical quotes, and Biblical principles of transformation.

The discussions, reading, and review questions make this a great tool for use, not only by individuals, but also by homeschoolers, schools, churches, and discussion groups. Be a part of advancing God’s monumental story.

Order this great tool and support the vital work of the Providence Foundation.

Many people ask us what they can do to be a part of transforming the nation. This course is the answer. It is the ideal means of providing you and your family and friends with the ideas necessary to live in Christian liberty. Its format of a film, discussions, readings, and review questions is both inviting and thorough.



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