Biblical Solutions for Today’s problems past articles

BY admin June 4, 2012

Biblical Solutions for Today’s problems past articles



Laziness Is 11 Times More Dangerous than Guns

A little perspective on the gun-control debate: According to U.N. data, the number of homicides committed with firearms in the United States runs typically between 9,000 and 10,000 a year, with the numbers going…

Solution: The Right to Keep and Bear Arms


NC Police Chaplains Banned from Invoking Jesus

Volunteer chaplains in North Carolina’s Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Police Department have been ordered to stop using the name of Jesus in their prayers at official ceremonies.

Solution: The Changing Nature of Law in America


ACLU Threatens Parental Rights With Same-Sex Propaganda Demands

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is working to usurp parental rights in Utah. The ACLU contacted the Davis School District and demanded that it allow children to access a homosexual advocacy book without the knowledge of their parents.

Solution: A Nation at Risk: Reforming America through Restoring America’s Christian Education


Pre-Meal Prayer Back at the Table for PA Seniors

Senior citizens banned from praying before meals at a Pennsylvania senior center will once again be allowed to publicly petition the Lord.

Solution: Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are God’s


Christian GP found guilty of malpractice for sharing his faith

The General Medical Council’s Investigation Committee has today (14 June) reprimanded a Christian doctor for sharing his faith with a patient at the end of a private consultation.

Solution: Morality and Religion: The Foundation of Free Societies


Artist Fined For Refusing to Photograph Same-Sex Ceremony

A Christian photography company was found guilty of “sexual orientation” discrimination under New Mexico state anti-discrimination laws for declining to photograph a same-sex “commitment ceremony.”

Solution: “Countering the Practical Effects of Atheism Controlling America”


U.S. Economic Downfall

The Congressional Budget Office released its annual long-term budget outlook document this morning, and as you might imagine the outlook is grim.

Solution: The Economy from a Biblical Perspective


Pastor speaks biblical truth, gets legal attention

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is upset with a Kentucky pastor who expressed an interest in seeing President Barack Obama ousted from the White House.

Solution: Watch free online clip Watchmen on the Walls

Solution: Order book or online course


Colorado appeals court declares Day of Prayer unconstitutional

A Colorado court has ruled the state’s proclamation for a Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. The state appeals court made the ruling Thursday on the proclamations by former Govs. Bill Ritter, a Democrat, and Bill Owens, a Republican, saying they violate the Constitution’s provisions for religious liberty.

Solution: Interpreting the First Amendment


Court Places Strange Restriction on Prayer Meeting

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit struck down a New York town’s prayer policy but upheld the right of other towns to engage in such prayers before public meetings.

Solution: A Wall of Separation?: Church, State, and the Founding Fathers


Utah School Fined $15,000 for Accidentally Selling Soda During Lunch

A Utah high school is learning the hard way that the government is serious about nudging students away from food it doesn’t want them to consume. Davis High School in the Salt Lake City area is having to fork over a whopping $15,000 in fines to the Feds because it accidentally sold soda through a vending machine during lunch.

Solution: Rendering to Caesar the Things that Are God’s Statism: the Golden Calf of the Modern World


Judge suggests – Cut Ten Commandments down to 6?

Could the Ten Commandments be reduced to six, a federal judge asked Monday. Would that neutralize the religious overtones of a commandments display that has the Giles County School Board in legal hot water?

Click for Solution: But people can’t obey the six without first obeying the first four.


Poll: Most in U.S. Reject Moral Absolutes

Barely a third of all Americans believe in absolute standards of right and wrong, and far fewer hold to a biblical worldview, a new poll says. The poll by The Barna Group, a Christian research organization, shows that only 35 percent of Americans believe in absolute standards of morality.

Click for Solution: America’s War of Worldviews




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