
What People Have Said

“America as well as nations across the world have benefited from the principles of Godly government that the Providence Foundation teaches both to citizens and government officials. I highly commend their important work.”– David Barton, President, WallBuilders

“I thank God for the Providence Foundation and for its rich contribution to our American heritage. Its preservation and dissemination of the priceless documents and preachments associated with the founding of our nation provide a continuing inspiration to this generation to value and to heed the Christian principles upon which our beloved country was established.”– D. James Kennedy, Senior Minister, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

“Five years ago I read the America’s Providential History book. The impact of the history of our country had a life changing effect in my life. God has spoken to my heart to share this book at our conferences and make it available to other Christians so that they may obtain knowledge and become aware of their Christian heritage and experience the effect of it in their lives. The lack of knowledge concerning the history of our country has had a tremendous negative effect on America and Americans.”– Dave Meyer, Life in the Word / Joyce Meyer Ministries

“Thank you for all your work in preserving the true greatness of our nation’s history in your book America’s Providential History. I love that book. May it inspire us as a nation to continue in the tradition of a people of prayer who follow after God.”– Stormie Omartian, best-selling author and international speaker

“There is nothing like what you teach in the whole region of the Russian Far East. The thousands of people in our churches need this education.”– Viatcheslav, Pastor in Eastern Russian

Liberating the Nations is more than just a textbook for the ministry – it is the weapon with which we can step against the ungodly totalitarian authority in my nation, using biblical methods.”– Pastor Boris, Minsk, Belarus

“In stating that ‘Christ is the answer,’ we make an incomplete statement. ‘Christ applied’ is the answer. Liberating the Nations lays down an excellent foundation for understanding how to fulfill the creation and redemption mandates, and builds an understanding of how to apply Christ to the business of government, economics, education, and all spheres of life. We use it as a tool in training our ministers. I highly commend it.”– Bertril Baird, President of Faith Revival Ministries, Trinidad

“Your book, Liberating the Nations, is an excellent resource for us. I believe the Lord has prepared you over the years to be of assistance to our new democratic South Africa.”– Kenneth Meshoe, Member of Parliament, South Africa

“I just read the Providential Perspective of October 2002 and found it wonderful. I want you to know how much I appreciate your work and your perseverance for so many years. You have accomplished a great feat in establishing the Providence Foundation, in your books and seminars, and in the impact you’ve made on so many leaders and families.”– Carole Adams, the founder of Stonebridge School and a director for the Foundation for American Christian Education

Other Endorsements

“Keep up the great work for the Lord and America and the world. People like you at the Providence Foundation are the real hope of our future.”  — A gentleman from Florida

Referring to America’s Providential History, “I find the book magnificently written to explain God’s mighty hand in American history,” and then expressed her desire to teach this book in her children’s school. — A lady from Tennessee.

“I want to encourage your ministry, and say that it is greatly needed for this time we live in. You were born for such a day as this.” — A man who recently read APH

“It gives me hope for our country to know there are men as yourself fighting to educate people about our liberties so they won’t be swept away by the tide of ‘popular emotion’ which tends to rule over sound reasoning. Thank you for shining the light of truth into America so all who have ‘ears to hear’ can know the incredible hand of God in the founding of this country and the liberties we have enjoyed for over 200 years.”— A junior high history teacher

“Your book America’s Providential History has made a considerable difference in my world view and my ability to articulate an accurate account of our country’s Christian heritage. I delight in the magnificence of God’s own hand at work in this land and thank you for your contribution to all those who have read the book.”— A lady from Texas

“Just finished last week listening to the OUTSTANDING tape about the business practices of Cyrus McCormick. In my efforts as a resource from the state to manufacturers in northern New Hampshire, I am now considering how to use some of the materials. My efforts through the years have been to provoke thought about “Best [biblical] Practices” in economic development, community development and manufacturing as I roam over 3 counties of the state. This information is super!” — John, (New Hampshire)

“I have just finished your book America’s Providential History and loved it. . . . I attended the United States Military Academy at West Point and remember wondering why they did not teach principles of American government, economics and leadership. They told us we were the nation’s leaders that would take the US into the future, but I was never taught history beyond the simple facts of an event on a timeline. No continuity whatsoever, and I always wondered WHY would they do it this way. Your book sure cleared up a lot for me personally. History makes perfect sense in light of how you explained the origins of their view of the world. . . . Thanks for your commitment to good history books.” — Brooks, (Georgia)

“I purchased America’s Providential History and feel it is one of the most valuable books in my personal library. I am working through it so that I can instruct my children in the truths contained therein. . . . I would like to join the Foundation. Enclosed is my first gift. I am excited about partnering with you so that Christian liberty can be spread among the Nations!” — Monty, (Virginia)

“We are grateful to you for the wonderful materials you provide, and for the work you do there at Providence Foundation. You have provided materials worthy of putting before our children.”– A family from Alaska

“I am a 18 year old home school graduate. I have just read your book, America’s Providential History, and I wanted to thank you so much for the clear Biblical teaching in the areas of government, education, history, and genuine liberty. As I read, I felt as if my eyes were being opened to a whole new level of seeing all areas of life from a Biblical perspective.

I have been praying for years that God would direct me to the area of ministry that He wants me to serve Him through. Over the past several months, God has been giving me a burden for the crucial need for all Christians to have a completely Biblical world view. The gospel’s transformation should not stop at the individual devotional, private life, but continue and follow through to bring every area of life under submission to Christ.
Chapter 8 on education in America and the Principle Approach taught me so many specific truths about the Christian philosophy and purpose for education. The Lord used it to confirm His leading in the area of teaching.

I am so grateful for the resources and Biblical instruction that you have provided. I know that God has used your book to make a life-changing impact on my heart and convictions. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you as you proclaim and carry out God’s vision for the importance of establishing and passing on to next generations the only solid foundation — a Biblical world view — resulting in the surrender of all things to Christ.

That we may find TRUE freedom in His plan for His creation. I am so excited about the great work that the Providence Foundation is committed to, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ministry.”— Janelle,  (California)